Indirect, or overhead, calculates and tracks costs associated indirectly with the grant. On the budget, indirect is system calculated only; the amount cannot be edited by the user. Indirect cost is calculated as the indirect rate of allocations of budget line items that generate indirect. Indirect will appear as a locked category with an Indirect Cost line item.
- Open Grant Management>Grants>All Grants.
- Click a grant name.
- Open the Post-Award tab>Settings>Budget Settings.
- Click the (Edit icon) in the Icon Bar.
- In the Indirect section, check the Track Indirect Cost checkbox. If checked, an indirect cost category will appear in the grant’s Expense Budget which cannot be edited.
- Select a Rate Type.
- Add the Indirect Rate (in decimal format).
- Select the Start Date and End Date.
- Click the (Add icon) to add additional indirect cost rates.
- If Match is enabled, select the how indirect should be calculated on the Calculate Indirect By field.
- Direct Cost: Match is included when calculating indirect
- Grant-Funded Amount: Match is excluded when calculating indirect
- On the Add Indirect Expenses By field, select how indirect expenses will be added by default.
- System Generated: Indirect expenses will be automatically created when expenses are added against line items that generate indirect.
- Manual Entry or Import: Indirect expenses will be added or imported by users.
- Open the Post-Award tab>Financial>Budget.
- Click the (Edit icon) next to a line item within a category that has indirect cost enabled.
- In the pop-up window, open the Configuration tab.
- Check the Generates Indirect checkbox. The generated indirect amount will be added to the Indirect Cost line item.
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