Submission budgets define the planned spend down of the overall grant and include planned expenses, revenue, and match. They can be created and edited by Organizational Admin, Department Admin, and the Grant Manager.
Indirect, or overhead, calculates and tracks costs associated indirectly with the grant. On the budget, indirect is system calculated only; the amount cannot be edited by the user. Indirect cost is calculated as the indirect rate of allocations of budget line items that generate indirect. Indirect will appear as a locked category with an Indirect Cost line item.
- Open Grant Management>Grants>All Grants.
- Click a grant name.
- Open the Pre-Award tab>Submission Budget Settings.
- Click the (Edit icon) in the Icon Bar.
- In the Indirect section, check the Track Indirect Cost checkbox. If checked, an indirect cost category will appear in the grant’s Expense Budget which cannot be edited.
- Select a Rate Type.
- Add the Indirect Rate (in decimal format).
- Select the Start Date and End Date.
- Click the (Add icon) to add additional indirect cost rates.
- Open the Pre-Award tab>Submission Budget.
- Click the (Edit icon) next to a line item within a category that has indirect cost enabled.
- In the pop-up window, open the Configuration tab.
- Check the Generates Indirect checkbox. The generated indirect amount will be added to the Indirect Cost line item.
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