- Indirect account settings have been updated to include how indirect expenses are added. Some fields have been edited for clarity.
- Indirect Cost expenses can now be system generated, or added by the user via manual entry or import. System-generated indirect expenses are calculated by the indirect cost rate on expenses against line items that generate indirect.
Grant Budget
- The Exclude From Indirect checkbox has been updated to Generates Indirect for clarity, and now appears under the line item Configuration tab. The Budget Import Template has been updated accordingly.
- For personnel line items, salary and benefits can now generate indirect independently.
- Indirect budget category and line item has been added.
- Indirect budget settings have been updated to include how indirect expenses are added. Some fields have been edited for clarity.
- Indirect budget settings can no longer be edited once expenses have been added.
Grant Submission Budget
- When attempting to edit submission budget and/or settings, the user is now prompted to provide Projected Receipt Date and Proposed Length of Award.
Payment Requests
- Closed out indirect expenses can now be included on payment requests.
Reporting & Tracking Periods
- Indirect now appears on reporting and tracking periods as a category with expenses that can be closed out.
- Benefit settings are now correctly retained when editing other budget settings.
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