On November 7th, AmpliFund released eSignature as a new tool available on Grants and Awards. This recorded training walks users through the key steps to prepare and send a document for signature.
Articles in this section
- Recipient: Budget Line-Item Amendments Release Training - 10/2024
- Grant Maker: Budget Line-Item Amendments Release Training - 10/2024
- Grant Seeker: Budget Line-Item Amendments Release Training - 10/2024
- Advanced User Security Training - 11/2024
- User Security Training: Recipient - 11/2024
- User Security Training: Grant Seeker - 11/2024
- User Security Training: Grant Maker - 11/2024
- eSignature Release Training - 11/2024
- December 2023 Product Release Training
- Budget & Payment Request Updates (2023.05)
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