Budget Line Item Types
- The Direct Cost Calculation line item type has been added to Applicant Portal, Pre-Award, and Post-Award budgets. This new line item type allows users to input data into pre-set formulas to calculate direct cost. As of this release, direct cost can be calculated by the following formulas:
- Base x Rate
- Quantity x Rate
- Salary x Percentage x Time
- Time x Quantity x Rate
- Travel x Quantity x Rate.
Purpose Areas
- The Purpose Areas feature has been added to AmpliFund. This feature allows users to define another way to group grant It provides another way to group grant dollars and track that all the way from opportunities and applications, through awards, line items, and expenses.
- Purpose Areas can be defined in Administration > Lists > Purpose Areas.
- Budget categories on opportunity budget templates, pre-award, and post-award budgets can add purpose areas from the global list in Administration.
- All line items within the budget category will inherit the category’s purpose areas. The line item’s total, including grant-funded amounts and match, must be allocated across the purpose areas on the line item’s Purpose Areas tab.
- Expenses against the line item must also allocate the total expense, including any match, across the purpose areas on the expense’s Purpose Areas tab.
- On awards, recipients are able to adjust the Purpose Area allocation on budget line items at any time, regardless of their budget permissions.
- Purpose areas can be reported on using custom reports. The Expense - Purpose Areas and Grant Budget Item - Purpose Areas reporting categories have been added.
- Users can now select which line item types are allowed for a budget category.
Custom Forms
- Recipient-only form responses can now be saved as a draft, or submitted to the funder. Only submitted responses can be viewed and reported on by the funder. Once submitted, the form response cannot be edited or deleted by the recipient; however, it can be reopened for editing by the funder. Any existing form responses are now in a Submitted status.
- Funder Grant Manager and Responsible Person now receive an email notification when a recipient custom form response is submitted.
Custom Reports
- Custom form reporting categories now include the Award Name, Award Identification Number, Recipient Name, Recipient ID, Submitted By, Submitted By ID, and Submitted Date UTC fields. These fields will only show data for recipient-only custom forms.
Applicant Portal
- Attachment links are now correctly indicated upon focus for accessibility.
Custom Forms
- Custom reports now correctly pull data from custom forms and form extensions.
- Global custom form extensions can now be imported on awards.
Payment Requests
- Funders can no longer view unsubmitted payment requests by direct link.
Saved Views
- Saved views in Administration now correctly retain changes.
- Workflow notifications are now only sent for the current workflow, instead of previously enrolled and unenrolled workflows.
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