The Settings tab displays your account settings, budget, applicant portal (for clients with the Competitive Award Management module), and timesheet settings (for clients with the Time & Effort Certification module). These settings will provide default settings for all records in the account. In many cases, the settings can be overridden on the record level or lower, such as the grant settings or budget line item settings.
- Open Administration>License Information.
- Open the Settings tab.
- Click the (Edit icon) in the Icon Bar.
- In the Settings section, select the Organization Fiscal Year Start Month.
- Select the Organization Work Week Start Day and add the Organization Work Week Length.
- Select the Timesheet Approval Chain.
- If Supervisors Approve But Others Certify is selected, select Timesheet Certifiers. This list pulls from Administration>System Security>Users.
- If Supervisors Approve But Others Certify is selected, select Timesheet Certifiers. This list pulls from Administration>System Security>Users.
- Select Require HR Actuals for Timesheet Approval as necessary.
- Select Accounting Method.
- None: No accounting method selected.
- Cash: Transactions are recorded when money is received or paid.
- Accrual: Transactions are recorded as earned regardless of when money is received or paid.
- Add Commercial And Government Entity Code, Employer Identification Number, and Congressional District (optional).
- Add FICA Rate.
- In the Matching section, select Matching Required as necessary.
- If Yes, select Default Cash Match and add Cash Match Percentage or Amount as necessary.
- Select the Default In-Kind Match for Personnel line items and add In- Kind Match Percent or Amount as necessary.
- Select the Default In-Kind Match for Non-Personnel line items and add In-Kind Match Percent or Amount as necessary.
Select Default Other Funding and add Other Funding Amount as necessary.
- In the Indirect Cost Rate section, check the Track Indirect Cost checkbox as necessary.
- If checked, select default Federal Rate Type and add Federal Negotiated Rate.
- Add Non-Federal Default Rate (optional).
- On the Calculate Indirect By field, select the how indirect should be calculated by default.
- Direct Cost: Match and other funding are included when calculating indirect
- Grant-Funded Amount: Match and other funding are excluded when calculating indirect
- On the Add Indirect Expenses By field, select how indirect expenses will be added by default.
- System Generated: Indirect expenses will be automatically created when expenses are added against line items that generate indirect.
- Manual Entry or Import: Indirect expenses will be added or imported by users
- In the Expenses section, check the Always check for duplicate expenses when importing checkbox to have the system check for duplicates when importing expenses by default.
In the Award Default Settings section, define how the Close Out Date should be calculated from the End Date (or Extended Date) for all awards or sub-awards in the Default Award Close Out Date field.
In the Add Expenses To Payment Requests By field, select how recipients and sub-recipients should add expenses to payment requests.
Date Range: Reviewed or closed expenses can added to payment requests by their expense date
- Reporting Periods: Only expenses that are closed out in reporting periods can be added to payment requests
- Date Range and Reporting Periods: Reviewed or closed expenses can be added to payment requests by reporting period or by date
In the Default Allowable Amendment Types field, select which types of amendment requests can be submitted by recipients and sub-recipients by default.
- In the Advance Payments section, check the Allow Advance Payments checkbox as necessary.
- If checked, add Default Initial Advance. This will prepopulate Suggested Initial Advance on all new opportunities that allow Advance Payments as a Reconciliation Method. .
- Add Default Working Capital Rate. This will prepopulate Suggested Working Capital Rate on all new opportunities that allow Working Capital as a Reconciliation Method.
- Add Default Payment Schedule Instructions. This will prepopulate Payment Schedule Instructions on all new opportunities that allow Working Capital as a Reconciliation Method.
- In the GL Account Definition section, select Yes in each Account Code’s dropdown to activate the code type. You can use up to 6 code types.
- In the fields below the dropdowns, add a new code type name (i.e. “Organization Code”).
- In the Risk Definition section, check the Monitor Reporting Risk checkbox under Reporting if desired. This calculates recipient reporting risk as the number of days a report is past due for a reporting period.
- Add the Low, Medium, and High risk thresholds for number of days past due.
- In the Budget section, check the Monitor Budget Risk checkbox if desired. This calculates recipient budget risk as budget variance.
- Add the Low, Medium, and High risk thresholds for percent within total budget.
- In the Performance section, check the Monitor Performance Risk checkbox if desired. This calculates recipient performance risk as the total percentage of performance goals out of allocation.
- Add the Low, Medium, and High risk thresholds for percent of goals on target.
- In the Applicant Portal Settings, click Select files... in the Change Organization Logo field to select a file from your computer. AmpliFund supports JPG and PNG image files.
- Add application Help Description (optional). This description will be visible to applicants.
- Add application Help Email, Help Name, and Help Phone Number (optional).
- Add a Technical Help Description (optional). This description will be visible to applicants.
- Add a Technical Help Email, Technical Help Name, and Technical Help Phone Number (optional).
- In the Password Policy section, select whether to Enable Password Policy which includes password expiration, lockout, and password reuse. If password policy is not enabled, passwords will not expire, users will not be locked out because of incorrect login attempts, and all passwords can be reused.
- Check the Expire Passwords Every __ Weeks checkbox to set password expiration frequency. Select the number of weeks passwords will be valid in the dropdown. If unchecked, passwords will not expire.
- Check the # of Incorrect Logins Before Lock Out checkbox to set lockout policy. Select the number of incorrect logins before lockout in the dropdown. If unchecked, users will not be locked out because of incorrect login attempts. To unlock an account, see How To Unlock a Locked User Account.
- Check the User Cannot Reuse Last __ Passwords checkbox to set number of passwords that cannot be reused. Select number of passwords that cannot be reused in the dropdown. If unchecked, all passwords can be reused.
- Select whether to Enable Password Complexity. If password complexity is not enabled, passwords will have no complexity requirements.
- Check the Require Minimum Character Length checkbox to set minimum length of password. Select the number of characters required in the dropdown. If this checkbox is left unchecked, passwords can be any length.
- Check the Require Numeric Characters checkbox to require at least one number in the password. If unchecked, passwords can be letters only.
- Check the Require Capital Letters checkbox to require at least one capital letter in the password. If unchecked, passwords can be any case.
- Check the Require Special Characters checkbox to require at least one symbol or punctuation mark in the password. If unchecked, passwords can be letters only.
- Check the Do Not Allow Email in Password checkbox to require that the user’s email address cannot be part of the password. If unchecked, passwords can be the same as the email login.
- Check the Do Not First or Last Name in Password checkbox to require that the user’s first or last name cannot be part of the password. If unchecked, passwords can be user’s first and/or last name.
- In the Research Settings section, select Default Organization Types for opportunity searches.
- Select Default Locations for opportunity searches.
- Click Update.
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