Activity Calendar
- Executives now have a My Events and Tasks switch on Activity>Calendar. This allows users to switch between a view of all calendar items and their assigned calendar items.
Activity Tasks
- The record Status column for tasks (Enabled or Disabled) has been removed.
- The Tasks list shows tasks in ascending order by due date by default, showing the most overdue tasks first.
- Organizational Administrators and Executives now have a My Tasks switch on Activity>Tasks. This allows users to switch between a view of all tasks and their assigned tasks.
Funder-Recipient Interaction
- If a Recipient Grant Manager has not been identified, tasks are assigned to the Recipient Organizational Administrator by default. If the award has not been activated, no tasks will be generated.
Grant Documents
- When files are attached to expenses or achievements, a corresponding Budget or Performance folder is now automatically created in the Grant document folder. This also applies to Awarded Grants.
Grant Performance Plan
- Users can now copy Pre-Award Submission Performance Plans and strategies to a grant's Post-Award section when the grant status changes to Approved. Once the Post-Award Performance Plan has been created, the Pre-Award Submission Performance Plan cannot be copied.
Grant Sub-Awards
- All delegated line items are now grouped into a Funder Assigned category on the Recipient award budget. The parent category inherited from the Funder grant can be viewed from the budget line item detail or from Activity>Expenses.
- Recipients can now edit Responsible Individual, Description, Yearly and Monthly Allocations, and GL Account Codes on delegated budget line items.
- The Grant Performance Variance Report now shows end dates for all goal types.
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