Expenses track dollars spent against a planned grant budget line item. Expenses can be added towards defined grant budget line items.
Expenses may be added through the Expenses list, the grant budget, or the grant's Post-Award tab>Expenses. Expenses can only be added by Responsible Individuals, Grant Managers, and Organizational Administrators.
Note: Expenses cannot be added or edited if the grant's GL Actual Entry Method is set to Import Only. Indirect expenses cannot be added if the indirect budget settings are set to system generated.
- Open Activity>Expenses.
- Click the (Create Expense icon) under Actions.
- In the pop-up window, select a Grant.
- Select a Category.
- Select a Line Item.
- Add the Direct Cost or Salary amount.
- Check the Exclude From Match checkbox if necessary.
If including match, open the Financials tab.
Add Cash Match Amount in dollars or percentage as needed.
Add In-Kind Amount in dollars or percentage as needed.
Add Other Funding Amount in dollars or percentage as needed.
- Select an Expense Date.
- Select the Expense Status.
- New: A new expense
- Matched: The expense has been added manually and imported
- Reviewed: The expense has been reviewed
- Payment Requested: The expense has been invoiced by the funder
- Paid: The expense has been paid by the funder
- Denied: The expense has been denied by the funder
- Select Payee type and Payee, or Create New payee and add Payee name. The payee is the entity that received the expense funds in exchange for services or goods. Only the grant recipient can edit the Payee field.
- Add a Description (optional).
- Click Save.
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